Progress, deadlines, issues, Ka.

All right sailors, how's it going? Let us tell you how the game is going.

Because of the translation we expect the release in the first half of November, although we originally thought it would be in the middle of October. Yes, when we started developing the game, we finally realized why other developers often delay updates or run out of time :)) We apologize for that.

We've already started drawing content for the next release, so we expect to definitely release everything on time next time! (probably). We also brought up this topic: what's missing from the game? Meaning some new (or old) things. For example, point-n-click elements, crafting, more focus on quests. Opinions are divided. Some of us say that since the game is a visual novel and there are already three and a half chapters, adding new stuff will confuse and will be out of place. Another part, on the contrary, is in favor of adding new elements in order to dilute the boring scrolling screens. What do you think? Of course, it is important to realize that “new” things will lengthen the development.

Also, we've come across this thing - when a screenwriter writes a text, he leaves notes where he thinks a certain image or background should be. We make a plan for the release, determine the number of art, who will draw them and so on. But this time it happened that there were a lot of images planned by the scriptwriter and we put some of them last in the approval stage “if we have time, we'll add them”. And now it's a situation where everything seems to be ready and there's still time (because of translation), but it's like they're not really needed. To draw a good art is +- 1-2 weeks, and here we can do without them and no one will notice, on the other hand if they will be, it will be a deeper immersion. It's still unclear what the artist will decide.

So, what else? We've finished the walkthrough and will post it here and on Steam as soon as the update is released. It will be, by the way, under the number 0.6.6. For the menu made additional animation. By the way, have you noticed that the menu changes the image, depending on the chapter? In fact, funny, but useless thing :) Not very clear why we spend on this effort and time, because if you play in one go, you will see only the first and last. We'll add 7 new achievements to steam (we still think to add them directly into the game, but it's not clear yet what reward to give for them).

Oh and yes, we didn't tell you about the third character you can try to build a romantic relationship with. Meet Ka (or Ca, i don't remember)! She's a young cecaelia, a gray mouse with her own peculiarities, which you'll learn about as you interact with her. When drawing the sprite, we faced the problem of a large number of already existing characters and trying to make her not look like those who already were, but still close to human. In the next update you will be able to complete common quests with each of the three girls, but their personal quests will only be in the next update.

Her sprite is still being finalized, but here's an example of how things have changed.

Thank you for staying with us, thank you for your support (and it's incredibly motivating during development), thank you for being here! You're like family to us, and we'd like to sit together someday in a port inn, chatting, sharing life stories! Eh... Good luck everyone!

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